Pod-casting a spell on you
Posted: 17th February 2020
Back in 2019, we had a conversation with Matt King from Sales Change, about a great idea he’d had for a podcast.
He wanted to create 30-minute episodes where he would talk with business leaders about their successes and failures in creating a positive, inclusive culture and promoting growth.
It seemed only fitting then, that the Dorset Business Awards “Company of The Year” should be first up!
Armed with a hoard of notes that would barely be looked at, our Co-Founder & Finance Director Mark and Commercial Director Kat settled down to talk to Matt about internal culture, growth strategies for the business, recruitment (obviously) and the future of the recruitment industry.
“I would like to see the recruitment industry go back to needing a licence to set up – a bit like a sex shop I imagine…”
Mark Nash
With a headline quote this saucy, you just know that the episode is going to be good!
Grab a cup of tea, turn up the volume and kick back and enjoy the episode here!

Also available on:
Spotify, TuneIn and Apple Podcasts